The Statutory Supervisor training program is designed to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills in WHS (Workplace Health and Safety) and risk management. These competencies are essential for individuals seeking to become Statutory Supervisors in the Western Australian mining industry. As a Statutory Supervisor, you will be responsible for managing and mitigating high levels of risk in your work area. This training program is tailored to provide you with a well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of your role and responsibilities as a supervisor in the mining sector. The training program covers 2 Units of Competency that meet the requirements of WorkSafe under schedule 26 of the WHS (Mines) Regulation (WA) 202. By completing this program, you will have the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the regulatory requirements for the role of Statutory Supervisor in the mining industry Under work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 [r.675ZZJ(1)], the regulator has approve the health and safety risk management units outlined in this publication for appointment to statutory positions, following approval of their suitability by Mining Competence Advisory Committee.
Units covered: RIIRIS402E Carry out the risk management process This Unit describes the skills and knowledge required to carry out the risk management processes, including planning, identifying hazards and assessing risk, and developing and implementing risk controls. This unit is appropriate for those working in supervisory roles overseeing and auditing the risk management process.
BSBWHS411 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement and monitor an organisations work health and safety (WHS) policies and procedures and programs in the relevent work area in order to meet legislative requirements . The unit applies to those with supervisory responsibilities in the work area who have a broad knowledge of WHS policies and contribute well- developed skills in creating solutions to problems through analysis and evaluation of information from a variety of sources. They provide supervision and guidance to others and have limited responsibility for the output of others.
The Statutory Supervisor course provides the essential WHS and risk management knowledge, skills and national Units of Competency required for Statutory Supervisors in the Western Australian mining industry. As a Statutory Supervisor you will oversee elevated levels of risk within your work area. This course ensures you receive a comprehensive and well-rounded knowledge base, directly relevant to the role and responsibilities of supervisors in the mining sector. As well as completing the two Units of Competency, there is also an examination component that Statutory Supervisors are required to pass. This is managed by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) – more information on this is outlined on the DMIRS website.
The course is completed online at your own pace, which includes a theory component followed by workplace projects and a third party practical observation from your Site Supervisor to complete and submit for grading
Please phone AMPT Services for pricing and enrolling in this course on 08 95834918